Additional Stories from Patients

       Calling the Rain. 

       Calling the Rain. 


from Patients

35 year old man, NYC
The Song of the 7 Internal Dragons (ID’s)

"I find it annoying whenever someone proudly talks about how their life has changed.  It’s really starting be a cliche.  A good slice of pizza could probably change their life around.  At the King's County Hospital in Brooklyn New York, I ate a Chinese takeout sitting across a gangbanger who managed to get shot six times. I bet his life f@#ken changed.  

I hate to say this but my life did really change and that would be an understatement.  I don’t know how to tell you. Human language has textureless way of making truth taste funny.  I’ll certainty make the attempt but it may make as much sense as a microwaved bacon.  

I had lived in sickening darkness - a soul perpetually imprisoned in a bottomless pitch-black abyss where no light enters or leaves.  There is nothing ambiguous or allegorical about it. It is very real and I hope you never get to understand it.  It’s the kind of darkness where serial killers and war criminals come from.  If I were offered terminal cancer instead of the darkness, I would prefer the cancer and an agonizing slow death.  I had those who loved me but the darkness had imposed a terrible solitude and impenetrable shadow.  I was the real undead, a body without a whole soul and light, a lifeless ghoul unable to experience a life as it should be.  Ok, enough with all the darkly description.  I just wanted to show how serious my illness was. 

I came to Laura to receive a divine help.  Stronger men and women than you have broken down in tears and awe.  You will be changed.  

Laura doesn’t need to sell you anything.  If you’re wondering if this shit is for real, I would come out of your computer screen and hit you in the head if that would convince you.  My treatment in NYC on that fateful night was the most significant singular event of my life.  More so than my birth or death because it was then when my life truly began as I was finally pulled away from the bottomless depth of the impossible darkness.  I was freed.  And there was light." 201

40 year old man, therapist, Montpelier, VT
The Song of the 13 Ghost Points

"I came to the ghost point treatment in search of a solution to a problem.  What I found, although it did ultimately provide me with the solution I sought, continues to be far more vast than a single effect.

I cannot say that my experiences while receiving the treatments, or during the months between treatments were always pleasant.  This treatment can open doors into rooms your mind has chosen to forget.  It can also open doors into rooms you thought you had swept clean - only to find that there was far more dust than you first saw.  The treatment itself, the placement of the needles, can be excruciating at times.  Both the spiritual and physical discomfort, however, was never an experience that I sought to escape.  There is something powerful in the depths of these moments, no matter how many tears you shed, or how much fear escapes you in sweat.

The protocol coincided with significant changes within my life.  Some were seemingly unrelated, and yet proved to be indelibly connected to the path of the protocol - unnerving coincidences.  I became a witness to changes occurring in my mental, emotional, and physical landscapes.  I experienced an opening of perspective into my self, towards the world around me, and within the relationships of my life.  I came into the treatment seeking what I believed I needed.  I found that what I sought was but a road sign along a path greater than I could have ever conceived.

I believe that much of what I have experienced since the beginning of the ghost point protocol is akin to what Freud sought to achieve via psychoanalysis.  A depth of understanding of one's self.  The resolution of the unresolved - that we often fail to acknowledge, yet deeply impacts our lives.  For me, the combination of this protocol with psychoanalytic experiences and perspective has resulted in nothing short of the inconceivable.  I am a different person today, only a week after my final treatment - and from what I have learned from the previous treatments, the changes yet to develop are not even visible on the horizon, nor would I recognize them if they were in front of me now." 201

Jeanne, 48 year old woman, Rockland, Maine
The Song of the 7 Internal Dragons (ID's)

I am 48 years old.  I have been receiving treatment for 7 years now.  For the past 12-16 months I have been attending, witnessing others, my Brothers and Sisters’ treatments as well. I was unaware of the personal stories on the website, as I’m not computer savvy. 

There are not words. I met Laura in the middle of April.  She offered her services. I had been given guardianship of my granddaughters a couple months before.  I literally had to consciously tell myself to breathe.  I was suffocating in Darkness! The weight pressing on my whole being was intolerable, anxiety so severe I had bile sitting in my throat. Fear, actually terror so crippling, so intense, I thought it would kill me.

As a small girl, my fantasy was to Dissappear, just simply vanish! And as I got older, 12-13 years old, I realized that meant death, so I obsessively thought about suicide.  My resentments were so severe I was tormented by my own mind.  I began drinking alcohol and doing drugs when I was 11 years old, desperately wanting life to be over!.  I was exhausted and angry 24/7. I did not sleep, with night terrors, until I was 41 years old, after my first treatment with Laura.

Acupuncture was not on my agenda. I had no idea what was being offered. That first treatment began at 6:30 pm. Truthfully I do not remember much at all, but what I do remember is what transpired in the morning when I woke up at home.  I woke having only slept 2 ½ hours.  The best way to describe it is how Dorothy must have felt when she came to in Oz! I was a bit scared, but not the kind of scared I had always been.  What I discovered was that I saw the SUNSHINE!!! The anxiety I had been cursed with was GONE!!! The birds were singing, my head and back didn’t ache.  I felt so good it scared me.

My life since that day, 7 years ago, has been a continuous learning experience. Yes it is a little scary at times. The light, for me sometimes overwhelms me, and can actually be extremely uncomfortable.  But what I have come to know, is that, if I keep an open mind, love to the best of my ability and allow others to love me, life has become a journey.  At times I feel undeserving of the Love I have been given.  I am blessed to know many of Laura’s students.  I cook for and also attend the workshops here in Maine. Anyone who seeks true freedom, of mind, body and spirit, I “strongly” recommend this work.  My love to all! 2014

Deb, 50 year old woman, Acupuncturist, Montpelier, VT   
The Song of the 7 Dragons (ID's) 

"My first experience of Five Element acupuncture was receiving the ID's. At the time, even with the deep spiritual work I was doing with my dreams, I was stuck. Something in me would not move; I did not have access to myself and I lived with a level of internal suffering and struggle that would not break, would not transform. The ID's, a protocol given to the ancient ones to help mankind evolve, to help those who are stuck, who no matter what they do cannot gain access to themselves and the lives they were given was given.  I had heard of this protocol, thought little about what I had heard, and until this day had no experience of a single acupuncture treatment lasting several hours.

Someone sat at my side, attending me. I closed my eyes, went inside and began receiving the work that was being given by this extraordinary treatment team.

What I was aware of in the days and weeks following the treatment was the change in my paintings, in the colors and content. They became brighter and relational. A previously unmoving despair began lifting, not completely, but haunting me less and less as the days, weeks and months passed; as the seasons turned and I began feeling some joy.

Nine months later, with twenty-five years of practice as a TCM acupuncturist behind me, I began my apprenticeship as a Five Element practitioner with Laura. I was drawn immediately to the Ghost Points, so now it is difficult to tell what changes relate to the ID's, what to my training as a Ghost Point practitioner, what to the second lonf treatment I received two years after my ID's treatment.

What I can say, two and a half years out from my treatment, is that many things have changed. I have access to myself in a way I never had before and this is not static; I continue to experience a deepening relationship with myself, my life, and the Divine. I continue to be more rooted in my body as the seasons turn. I no longer feel isolated; am relational in a way I was not before. I am reaping the benefits of the inner work I do now, where before it did not matter how hard I worked, there was no transformation. I am blessed with a growing relationship with God and an increasing experience of inner peace. My life feels richer than I could have imagined two years ago and I see that it is only just beginning." 2011