
The Bird Physician

The Bird Physician

The Virtue of HeavenEarth is one of the programs of The Unseen Hand: Medicine from Antiquity, a 501(c)3 non-profit school. Although the institute is partly funded by its workshops, it is the financial support of individuals that enables the school to fulfill its wider purpose. Individual donations are an important source of income for The Virtue of HeavenEarth and The Unseen Hand.

We rely entirely on the support of those who share in the vision of our school.

This tradition returns at a critical moment in time. We serve those who ask to learn, those in need of care, and any student wishing to participate. To keep an open door, no matter what.

Thank you for your consideration.

All donations are tax deductible in the U.S. We currently use the financial services of PayPal for all donations. Through them it is possible to make both one time donations as well as recurring monthly donations.  


Single one-time donations of any amount.

Recurring Monthly/Annual Donations